
ECHA (European Chemicals Agency)

TMGD Mühendislik Echa Nedir Echa Belgesi

The organization, which is the European Chemicals Agency in Turkish, works for the safe use of chemicals. It was established in 2007 in Helsinki, Finland. By applying the chemicals legislation published by the European Union, it benefits human health, the environment and innovation and competitiveness in Europe.

The European Union has required companies to provide information about the dangers of chemicals they produce or import. Companies register this information with ECHA and can access it free of charge on their site. Even if the information is technical, it gives detailed information about the effects of each chemical on humans and the environment.

ECHA Working System

It regulates chemicals and biocides on the European Union market. Chemicals coming from the industry process the relevant files and control their compliance with the legislation. ECHA, together with EU national governments, focuses on the most dangerous substances where further risk management may be required to protect people and the environment. In some areas it makes its own decisions, in other cases it provides opinions and recommendations to assist the European Commission in making decisions.

Since it is a community level institution, ECHA does not have any sanction responsibility. Instead, ECHA includes representatives of EU member state national implementing authorities whose members coordinate implementation at the international level. It hosts the Executive Information Exchange Forum.

Reach Global Services

S.A. (RGS)

It is a consultancy firm that provides services to companies operating in the Cosmetics and Chemistry sector on the European Union and Turkish Chemical Regulations. It has a head office established in Brussels-Belgium and a branch office in Istanbul-Turkey.

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