As TMGD TR Higg team, we offer you consultancy with the motto “Unlimited Support 100% Satisfaction” and speed up your environmental improvement efforts. To get a quote, fill out the Get Offer form and contact us now.
Higg FEM is a tool used to measure and, as a result, score the environmental and product sustainability performances of factories. Higg FEM gives facilities a clear picture of their environmental impact. It helps them identify and properly manage opportunities for performance improvements.
With the Higg FEM (Factory Environmental Module), manufacturers can evaluate their environmental performance and share the results with interested parties.
I- Self Assessment
Companies fill in the information requested in the self-evaluation form or on the portal.The information filled in and the answers given will be checked by the verifier at the next stage, Verification.
II- Verifikasyon
It is the determination of the accuracy of the information entered and the questions answered in the Self-evaluation by visiting the company by an approved verifier.
III- Sharing Verified Evaluation
On the business Higg portal, manufacturers can share verification results with interested parties with giving permission.
The Higg Index not only helps businesses reduce negative environmental impacts from the earliest stages of design, but also positively contributes to social work practices and provides a roadmap for continuous improvement.
Higg Index provides quality, reliable and efficient production at every step of the supply chain.It ensures the protection and observance of Social Rights.It provides savings.As it will occur in inter-company competition, it ensures to stick to these issues.
Higg FEM, fabrikaların çevresel ve ürün sürdürebilirlik performanlarının ölçülmesini ve bunun sonucunda puanlamasını sağlamak amacıyla yararlanılan bir araçtır. Higg FEM, tesislere çevresel etkilerinin net bir resmini sunar. Performans iyileştirmeleri için fırsatları belirlemelerine ve doğru yönetmesine yardımcı olur.
Higg FEM (Fabrika Çevre Modülü) ile, üreticiler kendi çevre performanslarını değerlendirebilir ve sonuçları ilgili taraflarla paylaşılabilirler.
I- Öz değerlendirme ( Self Assessment )
Firmaların öz değerlendirme formuna yada portal üzerinden talep edilen bilgileri doldurmalarıdır. Doldurulan bilgi ve verilen cevaplar bir sonraki aşama olan Doğrulama (Verifikasyon) aşamasında doğrulayıcı tarafından kontrol edilecektir.
II- Doğrulama (Verifikasyon)
Onaylı bir doğrulayıcı tarafından firma ziyaret edilerek Öz değerlendirmede girilen bilgi ve cevaplanan soruların doğruluğunun saptanmasıdır.
III - Doğrulanmış Değerlendirmenin Paylaşılması
İşletme Higg portalı üzerinde üreticiler doğrulama sonuçlarını izin vererek ilgili taraflarla paylaşabilirler.
İşletme Higg portalı üzerinde üreticiler doğrulama sonuçlarını izin vererek ilgili taraflarla paylaşabilirler.
Higg Index, işletmelere tasarımın en eski aşamalarından olumsuz çevresel etkileri azaltma konusunda yardımcı olmakla kalmaz, sosyal hizmet uygulamalarına olumlu katkıda bulunur ve sürekli iyileştirme için bir yol haritası sunar.
Higg Index, tedarik zincirinin her adımında kaliteli, güvenilir ve verimli üretim sağlar.
Sosyal Hakların korunmasını ve gözetilmesini sağlar.
Tasarruf Sağlar.
Şirketler arası rekabette oluşacağı için bu konulara sadık kalmayı sağlar.
The Higg FSLM has adopted the SLCP (The Social & Labor Convergence Program) assessment. Consumers demand transparency about working conditions and the functioning of individuals working at every stage of the chain. Welcoming this demand is a complex problem, but one that will be solved with a common language.
Higg FSLM evaluates the following topics;
*Recruitment and Hiring
*Working hours
*Wages and benefits
*Employee Treatment
*Plant workforce standards and partners
*External involvement in social and business matters with other facilities/organizations
*Management systems
*Community Participation
*Worker Participation
The Higg Index not only helps businesses reduce negative environmental impacts from the earliest stages of design, but also positively contributes to social work practices and provides a roadmap for continuous improvement.
Higg Index provides quality, reliable and efficient production at every step of the supply chain.It ensures the protection and observance of Social Rights. It provides savings. As it will occur in inter-company competition, it ensures to stick to these issues.
Today, where energy consumption has increased by 40% compared to previous years, 80% of the energy is provided from fossil-based production facilities. The use of fossil resources causes climate change day by day. According to the agreement agreed by all countries at the Paris Conference organized by the United Nations at the end of 2021, it was decided to limit global warming to 2 degrees at the end of 100 years.
Carbon footprint is the study of calculating the carbon dioxide (CO2) equivalents of the effects of greenhouse gases formed as a result of activities such as production, service and processing determined by the Kyoto Protocol. Carbon footprint calculation should be done before carbon footprint reduction process.
It is not known exactly how and how much the carbon footprint will be reduced. After the calculation, it is possible to reduce the carbon footprint with alternative solutions by examining the emission sources.
You can contact TMGD TR Carbon team directly for Carbon Footprint Calculation and improvement of the result.
Awareness is our greatest strength and protecting our water resources is the most important step to save tomorrow.
Turkey is the 32nd country with the most water shortage in the 'water risk' atlas prepared by the World Natural Resources Institute. There is a high degree of water shortage in half of Turkey's territory. It is up to us to prevent this from progressing and becoming a threat to our lives. The water footprint is an indicator of the amount of freshwater use that looks not only at the direct water use of a consumer or producer, but also at the indirect water use.
The water footprint of a product or process is the volume of direct and indirect freshwater used to manufacture the product or complete the process, measured across the entire supply chain.
The volume of fresh water used is divided into 3 according to its quality as Blue Water, Green Water and Gray Water. Calculations should be made according to water quality in water footprint calculations. Farkındalık en büyük gücümüzdür ve yarınları kurtarmak için su kaynaklarımızı korumak en önemli adımdır.
Green Water Footprint:It is the amount of rain water consumed in the production processes of agricultural and forest products. It shows the amount of water evaporated from the soil and trapped in the product.
Blue Water Footprint: It is the amount of surface and ground water consumed for the production of products and services.
Gray Water Footprint: It is the amount of clean water source that is polluted at all production stages of a product.
You can contact TMGD TR Water team directly to get service in Calculation of Water Footprint and improvement of the result.